What is Probate and why is it needed?
The Grant of Probate is the document giving authority to the executors named in your will to call-in, pay any estate debts and distribute the estate to the beneficiaries in accordance with the clauses of the Will.
What if someone dies without a Will how do you get the authority to deal with their estate?
The Grant of Letters of Administration is the document giving authority to the administrators to call-in the estate assets, pay any estate debts and distribute the estate to the beneficiaries, in accordance with the Intestacy Rules.
The winding-up of an estate has become more complex in recent years, with many people having assets in both the UK and abroad. We understand that dealing with the affairs of a loved one is often emotionally challenging and matters can be further compounded where the estate comprises assets in more than one jurisdiction.
At Net Solicitors we have over experience of dealing with probate/estate matters in the UK, including international probate in the Caribbean and Africa.
If you have further questions or would like to speak to our team, please contact us